Friday, June 3, 2011

Salam guys

ouh . dea cte saya bule cte . :P . hmm . awak cakap sayang tapi awak ta setia . suda laa . saya ta na ckp banyak-2 , sbb saya suda penad pikir benda ini . 




I wont let the past kills the future. I wont :) 

kenapa saya kena time semua toe ?? why ?? kte elok-2 berkawan, tapi awak buad pasal . awak minta peluang dekat saya, saya na bagi sangat-2 , tapi saya ta agak awak akan hargai semua toe . mula-2 ye, JANJI TA BUAD LAGI, SELALU SAYANG SAYA, CINTA SAYA . but lama-2 , awak akan lupe semua toe . 


I really miss you! Baby.. You know what? You're my only sunshine in my life. Which means, my life will be dark without u. :') and now I feel like hugging my big teddy bear! That's you! :') I miss your hugs. I really do. :'( I miss your laugh and so much thing baby. I can't say it here because, it's too long to type it. Haha! Oh bie. Please :'( bie.. 

Please :'( I wanna hug you my love. I really do. :'( I really do.. Baby, there's one thing I wanna say to you.. Thanks for loving me for such a long time and never give up on me. :') I'm sorry for what I've done to you that really hurt your feeling.Please Allah, I miss his laugh and I miss our old times together. Thanks for letting us to be together for a long 
time. And I hope, we'll be together until the end of our life. Thank you Allah. :')

SEMAU mimpi kan ??????????????????? 

post by syakiera natasya !
Thank You ♥